Hawaii – day 6: Shopping, Souvenirs and Surfing

Shopping and Souvenirs and Surfing

After the surfing yesterday, the boys decided that they’d need rash guard shirts before they could go out on the surfboards again. So off we went to Target to see what we could find. We didn’t find any good shirts there but were able to get some little stickers for the car. We walked next door to Sports Authority and found some appropriate surfing shirts. We were then off to the stadium for some souvenir shopping. There were a lot of vendors. Some with good prices, some with not so good prices. We came back with a few goodies and spent a lot of time finding the perfect Hawaiian outfit for baby Ethan.

After our morning of shopping we took off to get some lunch and then go surfing. We went to a burger place for lunch that Mike thought was supposed to be the best Kua ‘Aina, (more like 2nd best). Back home to the resort to change into swim clothes grab the surfboards and hit the beach.

I read while Amanda splashed around in the water and the boys were surfing. There were a lot of local families at the beach with picnics and their chairs. We were there for a while, long enough that the sun started setting making the sky look like a beautiful water colored painting of pinks and purples. Amanda and I took pictures of the sunset as the boys finished out the night surfing. Then it was back to the resort to return the surfboards, clean up and pack for checkout the next morning.


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