Hawaii – day 7: Last Day

As much as it would be nice to be home, it was hard to leave Hawaii. Checkout was at 10am. Thankfully the resort offers a place to store your luggage since the flight was much later in the afternoon.  We dropped off our luggage and took a trip to Costco for Hawaiian shirts for those who wanted and didn’t get one, and the much desired Macadamia nuts covered in coconut and chocolate. Yes we bought and devoured more than I should admit to.

We went to a sushi place for lunch. The sushi came around on a conveyor belt and you could choose from the belt or from the menu based on the color sections. We each got several different plates and enjoyed the sushi immensely. It was the best sushi we’d ever eaten. Probably because the fish was fresh.

We took a drive around the North Shore, saw the blow hole and some beautiful scenery, before heading back to the resort to pick up our luggage and head off to the airport.

It was hard to say good-bye to Hawaii and hello to work the next day but we managed. Would we go back – yes! But if we could avoid all the travel delays it would be a much louder YES!

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